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It's all about taking your celebranting to a whole new level.

5% of customers leave a review. I'm not saying I'm WAs number 1 celebrant, but what I am saying is that over 300 couples have gone to the trouble to rate and review me at the Australian Bridal Industry Awards, and given me a 5 star rating. That is almost 40% of the 800 couples I've been lucky to have married.


I've been doing this for almost a decade as my job, not as a hobby, side hustle or retirement strategy.  Most of the couples I marry these days are referred to me by couples I've married, or guests that have seen me in action at those weddings, and I'm lucky to also get referred to couples by other well established and prominent wedding suppliers, vendors and venues.


On top of marrying over 1,600 people, I trained fellow celebrants when we had to complete Ongoing Professional Development (OPD), so I've seen it all. 


If you are wanting to learn all the processes, systems, tips and tricks that I have gained over the journey, then I offer celebrant coaching to help you 




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